Indeed, that would be more graceful.

At 07:11 PM 4/11/00 +1200, you wrote:
>Elan wrote (in another thread):
>> Note that pick is safer, it will return none if parse returns none or if
>parse returns an empty block, whereas first will fail with an error
>exception in both cases.
>'second, 'third and so on do the same as well as 'last. I'm of the opinion
>that these functions should return 'none instead. So instead of:
>>> first []
>** Script Error: Out of range or past end.
>** Where: first []
>    they should return:
>>> first []
>== none
>Andrew Martin
>"Move along now, nothing to see here."
>ICQ: 26227169

;- Elan >> [: - )]

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