Hi tim,

just-one: pick parse/all "one#two%three four" "#% " 1


just-one: first parse/all "one#two%three four" "#% " 

or, if want to continue collecting the complete block in my-series:

just-one: pick my-series: parse/all "one#two%three four" "#% " 1

just-one: first my-series: parse/all "one#two%three four" "#% "

Note that pick is safer, it will return none if parse returns none or if
parse returns an empty block, whereas first will fail with an error
exception in both cases.

At 09:07 PM 4/10/00 -0800, you wrote:
>Sterling showed me how the following code
>gives me a block
>>>> parse "one#two%three four" "#%"
>>== ["one" "two" "three" "four"]
>that's great! Now if I write:
>my-series: parse "one#two%three four" "#%"
>just-one: my-series/1
>just-one is returned as "one"
>now how do I get "one" into just-one with 1 line
>of code instead of two?
>thanks again

;- Elan >> [: - )]

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