
Tim wrote:

> I'm setting up an object that contains some ports,
> which may or may not be open. 
> i.e.: may or may not open "test.txt"
>       may or may not open "dufus.txt"
> obviously I don't want to attempt to close
> what I didn't open.
> If I initialize a word to none
> as dufus-pointer: none
> and don't open it.
> the following code:
> either equal? dufus-pointer none [][close dufus-pointer]
>   generates an error: expected argument of type: port
> similarly a function like
> safe-close: func [p[port!]][if p [close p]]
> generates an error message.
> How can I get around this?
> Thanks Folks!
> Tim

Sorry, I don't understand. For me your code works:

>> dufus-pointer: none
== none
>> either equal? dufus-pointer none [][close dufus-pointer]


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