Hi Tim,

>safe-close: func [p[port!]][if p [close p]]

you are insisting that the argument to safe-close must be a value of
datatype port!, [ p [port!] ]. Therefore you get an error message, whenever
you pass a value that is not of type port!.

In contrast, here

>safe-close: func [p][if p <> [] [close p]]

you are not declaring a type restriction on the values passed to
safe-close, [ p ]. Accordingly, safe-close does not complain that the value
is not of type port!. 

Confusing? Not really.

At 08:22 AM 5/23/00 -0800, you wrote:
>Hi Ladislav:
>       Yes, your code works for me. But I wrote a function
>as follows:
>safe-close: func [p[port!]][if p [close p]]
>lets say  
>dufus: none
>safe-close dufus
>Script Error: safe-close expected p argument of type: port
>if I write 
>safe-close: func [p][if p <> [] [close p]]
>dufus: []
>safe-close dufus
>I get no error message.
>:>) Duh!! I know I have lots to learn yet.
>>Sorry, I don't understand. For me your code works:
>>>> dufus-pointer: none
>>== none
>>>> either equal? dufus-pointer none [][close dufus-pointer]
>>    Ladislav

;- Elan >> [: - )]

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