On Mon, Mar 31, 2008 at 5:27 PM, Scott Barnes <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Silky,
>  What's your value right now to the list with the below email? Your points 
> were made, rightly or wrongly it's been
>  made. Can we move on now?

i was responding to a poster. what's your value on this list? you've
done nothing for me. who are you to judge my value? someone who finds
it valuable does; someone who doesn't doesn't.

> Keep the list focused on Silverlight - a subject - in which members have 
> subscribed to and wish to take part in
> as a community.
>  If you dislike Microsoft's practices or events like remix, then that's 
> perfectly fine - it's not for everyone, but most
>  folks here actually do like my employer and its respective events.
>  Please consider taking this offline, as I've already received complaints 
> about you and you're actually the first
> person on this list i've received complaints about ever...

to be honest i'd be happy if you removed me from this list [if you're
the owner] the only reason i'm still on it is because i forgot about

i'd personally be happy to never read another email/post from you again.


There's not a problem I can't fix, because I can do it in the mix.

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