On Sat, May 11, 2013 at 7:13 PM, Nick Williams <
nicho...@nicholaswilliams.net> wrote:

> Guys,
> There are a couple of things about the site that have been bugging me. I
> wanted to run some ideas by you and see what you think. Since I can commit
> now, I can take care of them once we come to a consensus. :-)
> -- One --
> On the "Project Team" pages, the "Actual Time" column is wrong for most of
> us. For those of us in the United States, it's one hour behind. Only for
> Remko is it right. For example, at 17:38:55 Central Time, here is what it
> said for all of us:
> Ralph: Sat May 11 2013 14:38:55 GMT-0500 (CDT) (it's actually 15:38 there)
> Gary: Sat May 11 2013 17:38:55 GMT-0500 (CDT) (it's actually 18:38 there)
> Scott: Sat May 11 2013 14:38:55 GMT-0500 (CDT) (it's actually 15:38 there)
> Remko: Sun May 12 2013 07:38:55 GMT-0500 (CDT) (the time is correct)
> Me: Sat May 11 2013 16:38:55 GMT-0500 (CDT) (it's actually 17:38 here)
> Not only is the time wrong for four of us, but they ALL say GMT-0500
> (CDT), which is obviously incorrect for all of us except me.

The time is all messed up for my entry, the minutes are not even right!

> I did some looking around at other Maven-generated sites, and the problem
> seems to be the same on all of them. Wrong for people on Daylight Savings
> Time, and always displaying the wrong time zone for everyone:
> http://maven.apache.org/team-list.html
> http://displaytag.sourceforge.net/11/team-list.html
> This appears to be a problem with the Maven plugin itself, not with our
> site. The time appears to be calculated dynamically using JavaScript after
> the page loads. Is anyone aware of any bug reports anywhere concerning this
> issue? If not, I'll file a bug.
> -- Two --
> On the "Project Team" pages, I suggest we remove the Roles column. Remko
> is the only one with any data in that column, and I think that makes it
> look like he doesn't contribute as much as the rest of us. Remko has
> contributed more than just what's listed in that column. Is everyone okay
> with removing that column?

Like Ralph said, this should be PMC Member, Committer or Contributor.

> -- Three --
> On the "Project Team" pages, none of us have images. I suggest we either
> add images for all of us or remove the column (as it's taking up
> unnecessary space). Remko already has an image URL in the POM, but it's
> commented out. I'm all for images, personally, but what do y'all think?

Adding images is fine with me.

> -- Four --
> The first item I visited the Log4j2 site, the "Download" and "Build and
> Install" links confused me. The Download page contained links to download
> the assembly JAR ... makes sense. But no Maven information. The "Build and
> Install" page contained Maven information, which was counter-intuitive, but
> worse the Maven information was BELOW information about building and
> installing, so you don't actually see it unless you scroll down. "Using
> Log4j on your classpath" is also on the "Build and Install" page, but it
> makes more sense (to me) on the "Download" page, as you only need that
> information if you're manually downloading the binaries.
> My suggestion:
> - "Download" contains what it does now plug "Using Log4j on your
> classpath" (moved from the "Build and Install" page).
> - New page "Maven and Ivy" contains all of the Maven and Ivy information
> from the "Build and Install" page.
> - "Build and Install" gets renamed to "Build" and contains only
> information about building Log4j
> Thoughts?

Go for it.


> Nick

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