1. I filed bug http://jira.codehaus.org/browse/MPIR-278 about the date/time 
issue. The issue that Ralph linked to was very old, not very-well described, 
and marked as "Won't Fix" with comment "This is the intended behavior" (i.e., 
the problem wasn't the same as my issue or the problem was misunderstood), so I 
decided to create a new issue. Some +1s wouldn't hurt. :-)

2. Per Ralph and Gary, and looking at other Maven-generated sites throughout 
Apache world, I changed our <roles> to reflect the appropriate of "PMC Member" 
and "Committer."

3. More research reveals that this image, by default, comes from Gravatar. In 
fact, if you go to http://logging.apache.org/log4j/2.x/team-list.html you'll 
see that my image is suddenly appearing now that I have uploaded an avatar to 
Gravatar. This is because the plugin by default inserts a Gravatar image for 
your email address, which is the "empty" avatar if you haven't uploaded one. 
According to the plugin documentation, you're supposed to be able to use 
<properties>/<picUrl> to override this behavior, and indeed that works. 
However, as Remko pointed out, that also results in the addition of another 
column with the URL in it. Yuck. I have filed bug 
http://jira.codehaus.org/browse/MPIR-277 about this.

4. Since everyone seems to agree with this suggestion, I will implement it.


On May 12, 2013, at 6:18 AM, Ralph Goers wrote:

> As for attribution, not really.  The only place attribution really shows up 
> is in svn.  If someone really wants to know who wrote a piece of code they 
> will just look at its history.  
> Remember, the ASF is about community. As a committer you get just as much 
> credit (or blame) for all the work I have done as I do.  With attribution 
> what you will find is people start emailing you  in private off the lists. 
> This has happened to me quite a bit over the last few years. We don't want 
> that as it doesn't serve the whole community.  That said, people will still 
> know that you are the async expert when you are the main person answering 
> questions and fixing issues related to it.
> Ralph
> On May 12, 2013, at 1:59 AM, Remko Popma <rem...@yahoo.com> wrote:
>> 1. Agree this looks funny. 
>> What I found interesting is that (based on Ralph's link) the developers 
>> originally added the time zone in the Actual Time column, intentionally 
>> showing local time zone of the viewer. Ironically the intention was to avoid 
>> confusion. I'm sure there's a lesson in there somewhere. :-)
>> 2. All right then, remove the roles. Is there a more acceptable way to get 
>> attribution for the Async Loggers somewhere on the site?
>> 3. I experimented with it but switching on the pic also adds another column 
>> with the pic URL. (Not very useful IMHO. Shall we file another bug/feature 
>> request with the maven team? "Show pic, without adding pic URL column".)
>> 4.  Sounds good. 
>> Sent from my iPhone
>> On 2013/05/12, at 9:46, Ralph Goers <ralph.go...@dslextreme.com> wrote:
>>> Item one 
>>> This makes no sense to me but see https://jira.codehaus.org/browse/MPIR-68
>>> Item two
>>> Normally I would expect the "Roles" to contain "PMC Member", "Committer" or 
>>> "Contributor", not the parts of the project individuals work on.
>>> Item three
>>> I don't care one way or the other about images.  If you want to see what I 
>>> look like you can just go to images.google.com and search on my name. You 
>>> should find two photos; one in a yellow shirt that is several years old 
>>> from the ApacheCon in Austin, TX and a recent photo from a Flume meetup.
>>> Item four
>>> I have no problem with the suggestion you are making.
>>> Ralph
>>> On May 11, 2013, at 4:13 PM, Nick Williams wrote:
>>>> Guys,
>>>> There are a couple of things about the site that have been bugging me. I 
>>>> wanted to run some ideas by you and see what you think. Since I can commit 
>>>> now, I can take care of them once we come to a consensus. :-)
>>>> -- One --
>>>> On the "Project Team" pages, the "Actual Time" column is wrong for most of 
>>>> us. For those of us in the United States, it's one hour behind. Only for 
>>>> Remko is it right. For example, at 17:38:55 Central Time, here is what it 
>>>> said for all of us:
>>>> Ralph: Sat May 11 2013 14:38:55 GMT-0500 (CDT) (it's actually 15:38 there)
>>>> Gary: Sat May 11 2013 17:38:55 GMT-0500 (CDT) (it's actually 18:38 there)
>>>> Scott: Sat May 11 2013 14:38:55 GMT-0500 (CDT) (it's actually 15:38 there)
>>>> Remko: Sun May 12 2013 07:38:55 GMT-0500 (CDT) (the time is correct)
>>>> Me: Sat May 11 2013 16:38:55 GMT-0500 (CDT) (it's actually 17:38 here)
>>>> Not only is the time wrong for four of us, but they ALL say GMT-0500 
>>>> (CDT), which is obviously incorrect for all of us except me.
>>>> I did some looking around at other Maven-generated sites, and the problem 
>>>> seems to be the same on all of them. Wrong for people on Daylight Savings 
>>>> Time, and always displaying the wrong time zone for everyone:
>>>> http://maven.apache.org/team-list.html
>>>> http://displaytag.sourceforge.net/11/team-list.html
>>>> This appears to be a problem with the Maven plugin itself, not with our 
>>>> site. The time appears to be calculated dynamically using JavaScript after 
>>>> the page loads. Is anyone aware of any bug reports anywhere concerning 
>>>> this issue? If not, I'll file a bug.
>>>> -- Two --
>>>> On the "Project Team" pages, I suggest we remove the Roles column. Remko 
>>>> is the only one with any data in that column, and I think that makes it 
>>>> look like he doesn't contribute as much as the rest of us. Remko has 
>>>> contributed more than just what's listed in that column. Is everyone okay 
>>>> with removing that column?
>>>> -- Three --
>>>> On the "Project Team" pages, none of us have images. I suggest we either 
>>>> add images for all of us or remove the column (as it's taking up 
>>>> unnecessary space). Remko already has an image URL in the POM, but it's 
>>>> commented out. I'm all for images, personally, but what do y'all think?
>>>> -- Four --
>>>> The first item I visited the Log4j2 site, the "Download" and "Build and 
>>>> Install" links confused me. The Download page contained links to download 
>>>> the assembly JAR ... makes sense. But no Maven information. The "Build and 
>>>> Install" page contained Maven information, which was counter-intuitive, 
>>>> but worse the Maven information was BELOW information about building and 
>>>> installing, so you don't actually see it unless you scroll down. "Using 
>>>> Log4j on your classpath" is also on the "Build and Install" page, but it 
>>>> makes more sense (to me) on the "Download" page, as you only need that 
>>>> information if you're manually downloading the binaries.
>>>> My suggestion:
>>>> - "Download" contains what it does now plug "Using Log4j on your 
>>>> classpath" (moved from the "Build and Install" page).
>>>> - New page "Maven and Ivy" contains all of the Maven and Ivy information 
>>>> from the "Build and Install" page.
>>>> - "Build and Install" gets renamed to "Build" and contains only 
>>>> information about building Log4j
>>>> Thoughts?
>>>> Nick

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