Great, thank you.


On May 17, 2013, at 23:54, Nick Williams <>

Per Gary and Ralph, the roles have been changed to "PMC Member,"
"Committer," etc.


On May 17, 2013, at 10:44 PM, Remko Popma wrote:

The roles are still there in the pom. Do we still need them? I don't mind
removing them.

 *From:* Nick Williams <>
*To:* Log4J Developers List <>
*Sent:* Tuesday, May 14, 2013 9:38 AM
*Subject:* Re: Site Ideas

Item #4 is now done as well.


On May 12, 2013, at 6:18 AM, Ralph Goers wrote:

As for attribution, not really.  The only place attribution really shows up
is in svn.  If someone really wants to know who wrote a piece of code they
will just look at its history.

Remember, the ASF is about community. As a committer you get just as much
credit (or blame) for all the work I have done as I do.  With attribution
what you will find is people start emailing you  in private off the lists.
This has happened to me quite a bit over the last few years. We don't want
that as it doesn't serve the whole community.  That said, people will still
know that you are the async expert when you are the main person answering
questions and fixing issues related to it.


On May 12, 2013, at 1:59 AM, Remko Popma <> wrote:

1. Agree this looks funny.
What I found interesting is that (based on Ralph's link) the developers
originally added the time zone in the Actual Time column, intentionally
showing local time zone of the viewer. Ironically the intention was to
avoid confusion. I'm sure there's a lesson in there somewhere. :-)

2. All right then, remove the roles. Is there a more acceptable way to get
attribution for the Async Loggers somewhere on the site?

3. I experimented with it but switching on the pic also adds another column
with the pic URL. (Not very useful IMHO. Shall we file another bug/feature
request with the maven team? "Show pic, without adding pic URL column".)

4.  Sounds good.

Sent from my iPhone

On 2013/05/12, at 9:46, Ralph Goers <> wrote:

Item one

This makes no sense to me but see

Item two

Normally I would expect the "Roles" to contain "PMC Member", "Committer" or
"Contributor", not the parts of the project individuals work on.

Item three

I don't care one way or the other about images.  If you want to see what I
look like you can just go to and search on my name. You
should find two photos; one in a yellow shirt that is several years old
from the ApacheCon in Austin, TX and a recent photo from a Flume meetup.

Item four

I have no problem with the suggestion you are making.


On May 11, 2013, at 4:13 PM, Nick Williams wrote:


There are a couple of things about the site that have been bugging me. I
wanted to run some ideas by you and see what you think. Since I can commit
now, I can take care of them once we come to a consensus. :-)

-- One --
On the "Project Team" pages, the "Actual Time" column is wrong for most of
us. For those of us in the United States, it's one hour behind. Only for
Remko is it right. For example, at 17:38:55 Central Time, here is what it
said for all of us:

Ralph: Sat May 11 2013 14:38:55 GMT-0500 (CDT) (it's actually 15:38 there)
Gary: Sat May 11 2013 17:38:55 GMT-0500 (CDT) (it's actually 18:38 there)
Scott: Sat May 11 2013 14:38:55 GMT-0500 (CDT) (it's actually 15:38 there)
Remko: Sun May 12 2013 07:38:55 GMT-0500 (CDT) (the time is correct)
Me: Sat May 11 2013 16:38:55 GMT-0500 (CDT) (it's actually 17:38 here)

Not only is the time wrong for four of us, but they ALL say GMT-0500 (CDT),
which is obviously incorrect for all of us except me.

I did some looking around at other Maven-generated sites, and the problem
seems to be the same on all of them. Wrong for people on Daylight Savings
Time, and always displaying the wrong time zone for everyone:

This appears to be a problem with the Maven plugin itself, not with our
site. The time appears to be calculated dynamically using JavaScript after
the page loads. Is anyone aware of any bug reports anywhere concerning this
issue? If not, I'll file a bug.

-- Two --
On the "Project Team" pages, I suggest we remove the Roles column. Remko is
the only one with any data in that column, and I think that makes it look
like he doesn't contribute as much as the rest of us. Remko has contributed
more than just what's listed in that column. Is everyone okay with removing
that column?

-- Three --
On the "Project Team" pages, none of us have images. I suggest we either
add images for all of us or remove the column (as it's taking up
unnecessary space). Remko already has an image URL in the POM, but it's
commented out. I'm all for images, personally, but what do y'all think?

-- Four --
The first item I visited the Log4j2 site, the "Download" and "Build and
Install" links confused me. The Download page contained links to download
the assembly JAR ... makes sense. But no Maven information. The "Build and
Install" page contained Maven information, which was counter-intuitive, but
worse the Maven information was BELOW information about building and
installing, so you don't actually see it unless you scroll down. "Using
Log4j on your classpath" is also on the "Build and Install" page, but it
makes more sense (to me) on the "Download" page, as you only need that
information if you're manually downloading the binaries.

My suggestion:

- "Download" contains what it does now plug "Using Log4j on your classpath"
(moved from the "Build and Install" page).
- New page "Maven and Ivy" contains all of the Maven and Ivy information
from the "Build and Install" page.
- "Build and Install" gets renamed to "Build" and contains only information
about building Log4j



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