
I found a way to solve my problem without changing the code for SocketServer 
or SocketAppender (thank you Seemantini Godbole). I created a generic.lcf 
and added some categories and stated one log file per category (see below).

I want to separate logging per session bean type. Aktually per group of 
session bean types.

I don't see how NDC could help. It doesn't have any mechanism to create 
several log files. It's for adding some extra info to the output. Am I 

I dont really understand you when you say "you cannot guarantee that the 
code called by the session beans will be in x or respectively y".

In the EJB's I do theese two rows every time i log something:
    Category cat = Category.getInstance("EJB1");

Then I can be sure that it writes to the right file.

Is this a good way of using log4j? I hope that I have explained 

Best Regards and thank you for your help.

parts from generic.lcf:
# Category EJB1
log4j.category.EJB1=debug, EJB1Log



# Category EJB1
log4j.category.EJB1=debug, EJB1Log



>As long as you can guarantee that you have one category across a 
>SessionBean it should work but I am afraid you cannot guarantee that. You 
>did not specify if you wanted to separate logging per session bean type or 
>session bean instance or both. It does not matter actually.
>The logging code of XSessionBean and YSessionBean can be in categories x 
>and y but you cannot guarantee that the code  called by the session beans 
>will be in x or respectively y. Do you see what I mean?
>One approach is to use NDCs to separate logging output. Cheers, Ceki
>At 06:54 15.06.2001 +0000, Atte A wrote:
> >Ceki,
> >
> >- This is what we want to do:
> >We have several Session EJB's on Websphere. Each one of them have to log 
>to its own log file. Because we don't want to use java.io we want to log 
>via sockets.
> >
> >- This is how I first tried to do the above:
> >I used SocketAppender in each one of the EJB's and called cat.info(). The 
>socketServer (with RollingFileAppender in its config file) recieved the 
>messages and logged to only one file. It worked well, besides that it 
>logged everything in the same file and not on seperate files. (On log file 
>per EJB).
> >
> >- Then I tried to do this (expanding SocketServer And SocketNode):
> >I know that SocketServer can log to different files, but thats based on 
>the client IP adress. If there exist a config file in the configDir it uses 
>that. I have changed that behavior so that it now looks at the category 
>that originally did send the message to it and look for a file that matches 
>the category (for example a file traceCat.lcf for category traceCat). I 
>have one category per EJB.
> >
> >Any comments?
> >Will this way of solving my problem cause any trubble in the future?
> >
> >Thanks in advance...
> >
> >Regards
> >/Atay
> >
> >
> >
> >>From: Ceki Gülcü <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> >>Reply-To: "LOG4J Users Mailing List" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> >>To: "LOG4J Users Mailing List" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> >>Subject: Re: Expanding SocketServer
> >>Date: Thu, 14 Jun 2001 15:25:33 +0200
> >>
> >>
> >>Atay,
> >>
> >>I depends on what you want to achieve. Why don't you try describe your 
>problem in your words without referring to log4j components at all? 
>Regards, Ceki
> >>
> >>At 13:14 14.06.2001 +0000, you wrote:
> >>>Hi!
> >>>
> >>>I have found a way to solve my problem and wonder if it's a good idea. 
>I have changed the code for SocketServer (And SocketNode a little bit)in 
>the following way:
> >>>
> >>>SocketServer is looking at the InetAdress and looks for files in 
>configDir that matches to the host (for example if host has a 
>config file I have changed that behavior to look at the 
>category that originally did send the message to it and look for a file 
>that matches the category (for example a file traceCat.lcf for category 
> >>>
> >>>Is there any other easier way of doing this?
> >>>Will this way of solving my problem cause any trubble in the future?
> >>>
> >>>Please guide me...
> >>>
> >>>Regards
> >>>/Atay
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> >>--
> >>Ceki Gülcü
> >>
> >>
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>Ceki Gülcü
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