
I think what Ceki was trying to point out was that if a client makes a call
on SessionBean SB1 and SB1 *uses* other beans, say SB2, SB3 and an
EntityBean EB1, your approach would yield screwy logs.  (I believe you would
have had 4 log files per your example, SB1.log, SB2.lof SB3.log and

Again your approach would work just fine, and perhaps you know that your SB1
is entirly self contained (i.e. it does not make calls out to SB2, SB3 or
EB1) in which case it's fine.

However, when dealing with log's it's often expected to see a "stack-trace"
like effect in the log, where you would see in one log file, the original
call to SB1 and see immediatly after that the calls to SB2, SB3 and EB1, in
the order that SB1 called and used them.  Now, again, if you do not care to
see this "stack-trace" like effect, then your approach is just fine.

(Ceki, was this what you were getting at?  Hope I did not muddy the issue!)


John Volkar

-----Original Message-----
From: Atte A [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Friday, June 15, 2001 4:51 AM
Subject: Re: Expanding SocketServer


I found a way to solve my problem without changing the code for SocketServer

or SocketAppender (thank you Seemantini Godbole). I created a generic.lcf 
and added some categories and stated one log file per category (see below).

I want to separate logging per session bean type. Aktually per group of 
session bean types.

I don't see how NDC could help. It doesn't have any mechanism to create 
several log files. It's for adding some extra info to the output. Am I 

I dont really understand you when you say "you cannot guarantee that the 
code called by the session beans will be in x or respectively y".

In the EJB's I do theese two rows every time i log something:
    Category cat = Category.getInstance("EJB1");"message");

Then I can be sure that it writes to the right file.

Is this a good way of using log4j? I hope that I have explained 

Best Regards and thank you for your help.

parts from generic.lcf:
# Category EJB1
log4j.category.EJB1=debug, EJB1Log



# Category EJB1
log4j.category.EJB1=debug, EJB1Log



>As long as you can guarantee that you have one category across a 
>SessionBean it should work but I am afraid you cannot guarantee that. You 
>did not specify if you wanted to separate logging per session bean type or 
>session bean instance or both. It does not matter actually.
>The logging code of XSessionBean and YSessionBean can be in categories x 
>and y but you cannot guarantee that the code  called by the session beans 
>will be in x or respectively y. Do you see what I mean?
>One approach is to use NDCs to separate logging output. Cheers, Ceki
>At 06:54 15.06.2001 +0000, Atte A wrote:
> >Ceki,
> >
> >- This is what we want to do:
> >We have several Session EJB's on Websphere. Each one of them have to log 
>to its own log file. Because we don't want to use we want to log 
>via sockets.
> >
> >- This is how I first tried to do the above:
> >I used SocketAppender in each one of the EJB's and called The

>socketServer (with RollingFileAppender in its config file) recieved the 
>messages and logged to only one file. It worked well, besides that it 
>logged everything in the same file and not on seperate files. (On log file 
>per EJB).
> >
> >- Then I tried to do this (expanding SocketServer And SocketNode):
> >I know that SocketServer can log to different files, but thats based on 
>the client IP adress. If there exist a config file in the configDir it uses

>that. I have changed that behavior so that it now looks at the category 
>that originally did send the message to it and look for a file that matches

>the category (for example a file traceCat.lcf for category traceCat). I 
>have one category per EJB.
> >
> >Any comments?
> >Will this way of solving my problem cause any trubble in the future?
> >
> >Thanks in advance...
> >
> >Regards
> >/Atay
> >
> >
> >
> >>From: Ceki Gülcü <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> >>Reply-To: "LOG4J Users Mailing List" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> >>To: "LOG4J Users Mailing List" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> >>Subject: Re: Expanding SocketServer
> >>Date: Thu, 14 Jun 2001 15:25:33 +0200
> >>
> >>
> >>Atay,
> >>
> >>I depends on what you want to achieve. Why don't you try describe your 
>problem in your words without referring to log4j components at all? 
>Regards, Ceki
> >>
> >>At 13:14 14.06.2001 +0000, you wrote:
> >>>Hi!
> >>>
> >>>I have found a way to solve my problem and wonder if it's a good idea. 
>I have changed the code for SocketServer (And SocketNode a little bit)in 
>the following way:
> >>>
> >>>SocketServer is looking at the InetAdress and looks for files in 
>configDir that matches to the host (for example if host has a 
>config file I have changed that behavior to look at the 
>category that originally did send the message to it and look for a file 
>that matches the category (for example a file traceCat.lcf for category 
> >>>
> >>>Is there any other easier way of doing this?
> >>>Will this way of solving my problem cause any trubble in the future?
> >>>
> >>>Please guide me...
> >>>
> >>>Regards
> >>>/Atay
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> >>
> >>--
> >>Ceki Gülcü
> >>
> >>
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>Ceki Gülcü
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