Shapira, Yoav wrote:

IMHO that's too complicated to be worth it.  There are too many
possibilities for confusion.  The simpler we can make configuration, the
better.  -1 on that.

I agree with you (-1). The question boils down to "Where do I put any configuration file (not just log4j) for my system that is used in different environments (development, testing, production or other dimensions like WebSphere vs. JBoss; Standalong vs. Web Application vs. EJB...)? I don't think it's log4j's task to take care of this (Maybe it's Jakarta's common/Configuration's task.) And I doubt that there is a solution that will fit the different needs. Therefore - the simpler the log4j configuration schema is, the simpler it can be integrated in a more advanced, specialized solution. The only thing log4j could provide are more specialized Configurators that read the configuration from JNDI, database or whatever. But even then ...


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