IMHO, You have completely misundertood the goals of this thread, review the rest of the thread for Ceki's simple and creative solution to my question. I never suggested that I was making a feature request for developers to implement greater functionality in log4j, certainly nothing people should feel they have to vote on. If I were, then I'd be making a feature request, not asking question on a users list.

What I was seeking, was interest and discussion on an alternate way to structure my logging configuration for my particular project. Something a *users* list should be trying to foster. This is just a *discussion* about hierarchical logging configuration ideas. Don't be so quick to snuff out discussing ideas on a user list by throwing *-1's* around.

IMHO, Log4J should be interested in promoting discussion about the configuration solutions that can be applied to the product, and expecially on the users list where others can search, reference and find them. I also think using voting on users questions like this is not very polite. Voting is really more appropriate for developers lists where the majority of the members actually have a stake (and probibly karma) in the direction the project goes in and are discussing making changes to the product.

Again, just my humble opinion.

Ingo Adler wrote:
Shapira, Yoav wrote:

IMHO that's too complicated to be worth it.  There are too many
possibilities for confusion.  The simpler we can make configuration, the
better.  -1 on that.

I agree with you (-1). The question boils down to "Where do I put any configuration file (not just log4j) for my system that is used in different environments (development, testing, production or other dimensions like WebSphere vs. JBoss; Standalong vs. Web Application vs. EJB...)? I don't think it's log4j's task to take care of this (Maybe it's Jakarta's common/Configuration's task.) And I doubt that there is a solution that will fit the different needs. Therefore - the simpler the log4j configuration schema is, the simpler it can be integrated in a more advanced, specialized solution. The only thing log4j could provide are more specialized Configurators that read the configuration from JNDI, database or whatever. But even then ...


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