----- Original Message -----
From: sivamma <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: log4j-user@logging.apache.org <log4j-user@logging.apache.org>
Sent: Mon Jun 25 09:11:16 2007
Subject: Re: Urgent Please--How to create different log files with different 
property files in same webapplication

Hi, Thank you for immediate reply.
The problem is little different here.XYZ and abc are in same application.XYZ
is using abc's jar files and jsps.
Our application(abc) have our own log4j configuration property file at
WEB-INF folder of XYZ(WEB-INF is common for both of XYZ and abc).
We are configuring log4j from java class file.We can not add/modify/delete
XYZ's log4j configuration property file.At present we are getting even the
XYZ's logs in our log files.

Please find our log4j configuration(abc's)

log4j.appender.R.layout.ConversionPattern=%d{yyyy MMM dd HH\:mm\:ss} -- %p
-- %m%n
log4j.rootCategory=debug, R,mail
log4j.appender.mail.layout.ConversionPattern=%d{yyyy MMM dd HH\:mm\:ss} --
%p -- %m%n
log4j.appender.mail.Subject=\=[SMTPAppender] Application message

It(abc) works fine as a single application in tomcat6.
But when XYZ starts using abc the problem occurs(XYZ is using Weblogic
Application server).

Is there way to get separate the logs in a same application with different
log4j configuration property files.

Thanks & Regards,

James Stauffer wrote:
> If xyz and abc are different web apps then moving log4j.jar and
> log4j.xml from common to WEB-INF/lib should keep the logs separate.
> If they are in the same web app then they probably have different
> logger name roots so you can configure each to use a different
> appender. (i.e com.abc uses one appender and com.xyz uses another
> appender).
> On 6/25/07, sivamma <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> Hi,
>>   I have a requirement to create different log files in same
>> application.Our
>> application will be used in a different web application.Even the other
>> application is using log4j.We have our own log4j configuration
>> property(WEB-INF/config.properties) file and separate log file in a
>> particular directory(WEB-INF/logs/xxx.log).
>> At present the problem is we are getting logs from other application to
>> our
>> log file.
>> Our application(Giving  as jar files) is under other application.
>> For example our application is abc and others is xyz.
>> The directory structure is "webapps/xyz/WEB-INF" where it contains xyz's
>> log4j property file as well abc's log4j property file.abc's logs are
>> supposed to go "webappas/xyz/WEB-INF/logs/abc.log" and xyz's logs are
>> supposed to go different file(Which we dont know , exactly where it
>> goes).
>> But at present xyz's logs are coming into abc's logs means , they are
>> coming
>> into "webapps/xyz/WEB-INF/logs/abc.log"
>> Can you please tell me how can get logs only from my applicaiton(may not
>> be
>> from my application..only from  my classes).
>> Its little urgent.
>> Thanks in advacne.
>> Regards,
>> Sivamma.
>> --
>> View this message in context:
>> http://www.nabble.com/Urgent-Please--How-to-create-different-log-files-with-different-property-files-in-same-webapplication-tf3974952.html#a11283346
>> Sent from the Log4j - Users mailing list archive at Nabble.com.
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> -- 
> James Stauffer        http://www.geocities.com/stauffer_james/
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