I currently have commit rights and I'm working the process right now to add 
additional help though the process takes a certain amount of time. Expect an 
announcement on Wednesday.

Code development at the ASF should be done in the open and not in a private 
branch that unveiled to the community (has happened in the past) as that 
basically prevents anyone else from influencing the work while in process. Code 
should go into the SVN as it is developed so there can be feedback, etc. Which 
someones means there will be code that was bad, buggy, undesirable, etc, but 
that always can be undone. The essential aspect that a committer is to ensure 
is that the code is either his own independent work or there is a clear record 
of an intent to contribute by the original author (typically in a JIRA bug 
report or an email on a archived mailing list). It is not a wonderful thing to 
break a build etc, but that is not a huge thing in the big picture.

I'm going to try to commit some of the JIRA issues that were recently commented 

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