On 08/13/2011 06:30 AM, Stefan Bodewig wrote:
> We do have a read-only git version at git://git.apache.org/log4net.git
> <http://git.apache.org/log4net.git/> mirrored at github as well
> <https://github.com/apache/log4net>

Didn't know that. :-) Since that repository is read-only, it is not
exactly a great help for whoever wants to hack on log4net now.

> Given that svn is new to some of the people who raised their hand to
> help I'm a bit reluctant to add yet another tool new to them to the mix
> (and throw in something like git-svn or hg-svn on top of that).  Combine
> that with the change in philosophy a distributed VCS brings.

If they're new to svn, it would actually be no great effort to learn
another tool.

> I agree this would work and would be willing to give it a try with
> people who want to work that way.  But this really depends on the people
> who will actually do the commit to svn (which I currently can't do
> myself either).

Who are those people? Maybe they should comment on this?

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