Isn't {crebi'o} optimistic?  Doesn't it asuume that Connor will become
proficient in crawling?
Besides, I thought that learning how to is also cilre, because that's the
word used in the title of L4B.  Surely lojban is not a fact, but rather
something you learn how to do.  Should I say {mi crebi'o la lojban} rather
than {mi cilre [fi] la lojban} ?

On 10/23/07, Jorge Llambías <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> {djuno} and {cilre} are defined as knowing/learning some fact x2 about
> some subject x3. They are not really appropriate for knowing/learning
> how to _do_ something. Not even in the x3, since knowing or learning
> how to do something is not at all the same thing as knowing/learning
> facts about it.
> For knowing/learning how, one can use {certu}/{crebi'o}:

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