On Fri, 26 Jan 2001, Robin Houston wrote:

> On Fri, Jan 26, 2001 at 06:50:59AM -0500, Dave Cross wrote:
> > 
> > This is all a fine plan, but it doesn't prevent external people from
> > achiving us in the same way that mail-archive do. I really don't think
> > there's a foolproof way to prevent it.
> I doubt that's a serious problem.
> I assume that someone deliberately added mail-archive's bot to the
> list, because mail-archive certainly don't hunt down lists themselves.
> If we have an explicit "no public archives" policy then presumably
> people will have the decency to honour it, and not subscrive archive
> bots to the list.

I must admit that I could have spotted this if I had known what I was
looking for - I dont tend to pay much attention to the subscribe messages.
The idea of posting new subscriptions/unsubs to the list will mean that
these things will be spotted.

Jonathan Stowe                   |   
http://www.gellyfish.com         |       I'm with Grep on this one 
http://www.tackleway.co.uk       |

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