On Tue, 13 Mar 2001, Dave Cross wrote:
> I've just seen a downside to the "no non-standard modules" rule, which is 
> that we'll have to send all mail by piping to sendmail. And that really 
> hits your cross-platform compatibility.

Why is this a problem? /usr/lib/sendmail is the published interface. You
cannot rely on an SMTP listener, especially on a web-server.

/usr/lib/sendmail -t -oem

is your friend.... (and remember to check $?)

Admittedly, this may break on any system that uses the MTA which shall not
be named[1], but I think that bit of its /usr/lib/sendmail interface works

[1] qm**l


Matthew Byng-Maddick   Home: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  +44 20  8980 5714  (Home)
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Tell me,  O Octopus, I begs,  /  Is those things arms, or is they legs?  /
I marvel at thee, Octopus; / If I were thou, I'd call me us. -- Ogden Nash

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