At 11:02 20/06/01 +0100, you wrote:
>Argument with someone in the office ...
>What percentage of people use HTML email? He reckons 50% but I can't
>find any figure to dispute that.

I've been discussing this with the new meeja agency I'm dealing with, and 
they seem pretty sure that not only is it 50% or above, but that people 
respond much more favourably* to HTML email than to plain text email. 
Depressing, but apparently true.

Since webbugs would allow you to track the % of people with HTML mail 
pretty accurately, I'm inclined to believe figures I hear on this, although 
obviously different kinds of mailing lists will tend to have slightly 
different figures wrt this.

*Where favourable is determined by % that click on the link you put in the 

Jonathan Peterson
Technical Manager, Unified Ltd, +44 (0)20 7383 6092

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