Natalie Ford <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> On Fri, Jun 29, 2001 at 11:03:20AM +0100, Paul Mison wrote:
> > As threatened, I've changed the top and bottom wrappers
> > so that they're no longer fixed to a single width.
> Well, I have just taken a look at in Galeon[1] under
> XWindows in a 640 wide window (some displays are still 640x480) and I can't
> see the whole widthe of the site without scolling horizontally... :(

I am no HTML g00r00 but it seems to me the problem is it's using (like
the average commercial site) fixed width tables in a misguided attempt
to enforce its idea of fixed margins on the client hence the

If you don't use fixed tables the text would nicely fix into whatever
bizarre dimensions you choose for your graphical browser.  It looks OK
in text clients anyway (I tried links and lynx).

It also does the designer trick of setting "vlink" to be the same as
"link" which means you lose information about which links you have
visited since they look the same as unvisited.

On the upside it correctly uses alt="" for furniture gifs.  On the
downside it uses furniture gifs ;-)

Personally I also think the html should validate as xml (i.e. xhtml
1.0) since it proudly displays these three letters on every page.

Is the template available on the site for people to hack around with?

(Overall the site is very nice but we are perfectionists right?)

1024/D9C69DF9 steve mynott [EMAIL PROTECTED]

    those who do not understand unix are condemned to reinvent it, poorly.
        -- henry spencer

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