Paul Makepeace wrote:
> Not to sound cruel or heartless or anything but if someone 
> can't see the entire 100% on a 640x480 screen they have bigger
> problems than viewing their entire computer sucks
> harder than an Olympic Sucking Squadron.

True, but sometimes that's because one's computer has gone wonky under
Windows due to who-knows-what, and one can bring it up under VMware for
Linux but only in 640x480 with 16 colours because one can't install the
VMware video driver due, again, to who-knows-what, but at least usable
640x480 is better than 1024x768 that locks up after a couple of minutes.

Nearly true story; I had Windows running under VMware last week but didn't
bother to try any web browsing during that time. Email looked bad enough in
the reduced screen space available (and I was glad that the external ISDN
box drivers worked over the emulated serial interface which was passed on by
VMware to the real serial port).

It seems to work again now after I removed and re-connected the CD-ROM drive
cables. Hope it'll last.

Philip Newton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
All opinions are my own, not my employer's.
If you're not part of the solution, you're part of the precipitate.

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