On Tue, Oct 02, 2001 at 11:41:23AM +0100, Simon Wilcox wrote:
> >
> > Then set up a WikiWiki for your documentation.  It's quick and easy
> > enough that it actually gets used.
> Good idea, I shall give it a go. Anyone have any practical experience of
> making this work ?

http://twiki.sourceforge.net/ is a fair implementation[1].  One of the
main reasons that I chose it is that it keeps a complete revision
history of every topic.  That removed one of the main objections that
the auditors/managers had to "editable documentation".

The wiki concept is very powerful, and like all powerful things is is
easily misunderstood.  I'd say you need to spend half an hour
demonstrating the HowAndWhyOfWiki before allowing anyone to write

Starting with an empty wiki makes it difficult for people to grasp how
it should be done, and you need to have a librarian that is willing to
spend time editing your peoples' contributions so that they fit in
with the WikiWay...

[1] And don't worry, you can change the colours to something more subtle.

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