On Tue, 2 Oct 2001, Greg Cope wrote:

> Simon Wilcox wrote:
> >
> > On Mon, 1 Oct 2001, Paul Makepeace wrote:
> >
> >
> > In this case, however, they will be the lead of only two sysadmins and I
> > want someone to come in and take a long term responsibility.
> >
> > However you look at it, no amount of documentation makes up for practical
> > experience of the system you are supporting. If you change sys admins
> > every 6-12 months you end up with a layered environment, each layer
> > developed to a sysadmins personal taste with probably all sorts of little
> > incompatibilities.
> Do wish to sound argumentative (as a contractor) - but,  high job
> turnover in IT would suggest that a permie will leave in 12 months
> or not long after anyway.

This has been true but I suspect [1] that the motivation to leave is
different. Permanent people generally want security (for various reasons)
and only leave when they feel their existing employer is not meeting their
needs, be it pay, training, working conditions etc.

As long as I, as a manager, meet the needs of my team in respect of
pay/training/cool projects etc, and treat them with respect as intelligent
individuals (and not as "Human Resources") then there should be no need
for someone to leave for a considerable time.

> On searching for someone could the LLUG not help - or what about a
> direct add on jobserve.

Good idea (also suggested by some others). <action>Joins GGLUG mailing
list </action>. Thanks for the tip.


[1] On the basis of absolutely *no* empirical evidence :-)

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