"Robert Shiels" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> From: "Leon Brocard" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > Paul Makepeace sent the following bits through the ether:
> >
> > > The problem is when you have folders with tens of thousands of
> > > emails (London.pm is about to hit 20k here)
> >
> > I've moved my mail from laptop to laptop to new company computer over
> > the years and it's dawned on me that I never (that is NEVER) need
> > archives which are more than a week or so old.
> >
> > Agressive deletion is the only way.
> >
> I disagree completely. I used to spend quite a lot of time deciding whether
> to keep mailing list emails or not, well, fractions of seconds per email,
> but on high volume lists this adds up :-) So I stopped deciding, and now
> keep everything, which is much faster. I have always kept every personal
> email, and HD size has grown much faster than the rate I receive/read email,
> so I have had no problems with storage. I am a natural hoarder though, and
> quite enjoy browsing old email folders to see what I was up to. I also have
> copies of course of every email I have ever sent.
> I use outlook express, which has some searching facilities built in, which
> are good enough for me.
> As to actually NEEDING any of this, I expect if i lost the complete email
> archive and all backups I'd survive, but I'd definitely be a bit upset.

I've done this, 5 years of email up in smoke. Note to self: Acquire a
real backup solution. Now. Really now. Soon. Well, when I get round to

Hmm... anyone know of a tape drive with a firewire interface? For
reasonable money? Then I can get a firewire PC Card for this here

Anyway, this talk has finally led me to ditch procmail and I'm doing
all my mail splitting within gnus using nnmail-split-fancy or whatever
it's called, and it's very nice too. The splitting rules get built
automagically from group properties, which is nice.

For my next trick I'm going to write/find a thread based expiry
function, which will move a thread into an archive directory (probably
as a gzipped mbox) when its newest message is n days old, which should
keep my live message base reasonably small, but will provide me with
good historic stuff too.

And if I can get it to do sensible indexing at the same time. Hmm...
this could require some serious hacking...


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