On Tue, Oct 02, 2001 at 11:29:12AM +0000, Steve Mynott wrote:
> Or use gnus to integrate your mailing list and news reading.
> Gnus (by default) will delete a read email automatically unless you
> tag it in order to save it.
> Because gnus is written in a high level language (lisp) it is
> _extremely_ configurable -- more so than even mutt.  The more recent
> versions even have icons (if you like that sort of thing) and will
> display images.
> It even has internal mail filters so you can throw away procmail and
> do everything in one single program (which is also an advanced editing
> environment and an excellent IDE for perl).

The trouble that I found with gnus the last time that I used it was that
when it wa doing something, it locked your emacs up.  Which is a pain if
you were trying to edit some perl code at the same time.

Any volunteers for writing a multi-threaded emacs?  ;-)


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