On Thu 18 Oct, Alex Gough wrote:
> Footnotes [1] are used by writers [2] to add further detail to their
> prose [3] or to point to a source of reference [4]. 

The TeXbook, p 117:
  "Authors who are interested in good exposition should avoid footnotes
  whenever possible, since footnotes tend to be distracting[*].

  [*] Yet Gibbon's <i>Decline and Fall</i> would not have been the same
  without footnotes."

> Sometimes the use of
> footnotes [5] can reach a ridiculous level [6].

As in the TeX Edmac macros for "critical editions" which permit five series
of footnotes, all on the same page: 

  '"EDMAC" provides five
  layers of notes in the belief that this will be adequate for
  the most demanding editions.  But it is not hard to add further
  layers of notes to "EDMAC" should they be required.'

Roger Horne
11 New Square, Lincoln's Inn, London WC2A 3QB

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