On Thu, Oct 18, 2001 at 09:33:02AM +0000, Steve Mynott wrote:

paraphrased: "You're not going to get everyone to abide by those rules so
I'm going to jeopardy quote now just to irritate you"

I dunno, it has worked on some mailing lists I'm on.

Of course, we do kick people out if they either can't learn to quote sanely
after a reasonable time, or if they deliberately quote improperly because
they think people who object are just stupid and old-fashioned and don't
understand that they're above all that since they're Nathans and use
fucking Microsoft Outlook and not some kind of stoneage text mail client
for hippy programmers.

People do mistakes sometimes, especially if they're used to jeopardy
quoting or whatever. The fact that people *will* do something doesn't mean
that something isn't wrong/bad/whatever, as anyone with even a vague grasp
of logic will understand.

Niklas Nordebo -><- [EMAIL PROTECTED] -><- +447966251290
 "The day is seven hours and fifteen minutes old, and already it's
crippled with the weight of my evasions, deceit, and downright lies"

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