On Sat, Oct 27, 2001 at 02:03:09PM +0100, Tony Bowden wrote:
> I arrived in London once and realised I'd left my wallet in my car
> in the car-park of the airport in Belfast, leaving me with no money and
> no ID.
> So, I got on the Heathrow Express, and explained to the bemused ticket
> people (after leaving the station, of course) that no, I had not ticket,
> and no, I had no money, and no, I had no identification. (Well, it's not
> like they were going to stop the train and throw me off!)

Hint: don't lose your ticket on a 3am night bus going sarf of the river.
Leniency isn't one of the words in their dictionary.

> Then, at Paddington, I went into a Midland Bank, and explained what had
> happened, and they gave me a phone to call First Direct, clear security
> the normal way, and arrange for money to be made available to me over
> the counter at that branch.

What did you tell them? I'm struggling to imagine they handed over money
just by you giving them your name.


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