On Sat, Oct 27, 2001 at 04:22:06PM -0700, Paul Makepeace wrote:
> > Then, at Paddington, I went into a Midland Bank, and explained what had
> > happened, and they gave me a phone to call First Direct, clear security
> > the normal way, and arrange for money to be made available to me over
> > the counter at that branch.
> What did you tell them? I'm struggling to imagine they handed over money
> just by you giving them your name.

I bank with First Direct normally, which is a telephone bank. So I was able
to go through the normal phone banking security for them to identify me.
Letters from password, mother's maiden name, memorable date / address etc...

 Tony Bowden | [EMAIL PROTECTED] | http://www.tmtm.com/
                                 The Internet, that thing is still around? 

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