On Tue, Jul 16, 2002 at 01:24:22PM +0100, Jonathan Peterson wrote:
> My company needs some security policies and procedures documentation. 
> I have no intention of reducing my own sanity by actually sitting down 
> to write all this. So, does anyone know of any freelancers or cheap 

Good move :-) A few years ago (maybe ~10 :-() There was a package on the
net that provided a canned best-practice AUP, with some tools (shell
scripts) to ensure new users read-and-confirmed the AUP and recorded
their acceptance.

It was written by the MD of a small company to save him explaining
things over and over and thrown open for all to use and extend.  

I've just been Googling for it without success: I thought it had a
snappy acronym, but can't find it now ...

http://www.eff.org/CAF/  (in the Archives section) has some notes about
Chris Benson

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