On or about Fri, Jul 19, 2002 at 10:39:38AM +0100, Alex McLintock typed:

>Do people recommend those glue on rings and the equivalent of bike chains?

Only if:

(a) you have something really serious to chain them to;
(b) you also prevent the case from being opened;
(c) you don't worry about thieves with battery-powered angle grinders
 (wonderful things, those!).

I have a couple of metal cases (as approved by the International
Society of Hernia Specialists and Osteopaths) which would slow someone
down - free for collection from Upton Park. (Also a bunch of 14"-15"
monitors, if anyone wants 'em...)

>ADT have been pestering me recently to pay for their monitored burglar 
>alarm. (Installation free, but the telephone monitoring costs per month).

They're doing that a lot. That's because they make a lot of money on it.
When did you last see anyone actually paying any attention to a burglar

>(I trust that this isn't inviting me to be burgled... is this mailing list 
>archived publicly and would a burglar use it to find properties?)

You could go with my approach - the machine room has about 30 PCs in it,
of which some few might be worth more than a tenner...


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