On Fri, 19 Jul 2002, Roger Burton West wrote:

> >ADT have been pestering me recently to pay for their monitored burglar
> >alarm. (Installation free, but the telephone monitoring costs per month).
> They're doing that a lot. That's because they make a lot of money on it.
> When did you last see anyone actually paying any attention to a burglar
> alarm?

I went for an alarm with a voice dialler on it, so I get phoned on my
mobile when the alarm goes off.  No monthly fees to pay that way, you just
stump up for the alarm.  It gives me sufficient peace of mind, and also
means that should it go squirrly, then I won't get chucked off redcare or
whoever.  If you want a recommendation for someone to fit it, mail me and
I'll hunt out the details of the bloke who did mine (he also did our
previous offices, and before that, a cow-orkers house, so that's a few

> >(I trust that this isn't inviting me to be burgled... is this mailing list
> >archived publicly and would a burglar use it to find properties?)
> You could go with my approach - the machine room has about 30 PCs in it,
> of which some few might be worth more than a tenner...

That's what I'm counting on, too - I got broken[1] into in the few weeks
between moving house, and the alarm being fitted.  Being opportunist types
though, they left all the computers and the main tv, took an aging 15"
telly and video, a dead psion (the live one being with me at the time) and
a few US dollars that I had lying around.  It's probably carrying a chain
kit around with the laptop, both to prevent this happening at home, and so
that you might actually use it when you're elsewhere with it.

If a professional wanted to steal all my kit, I doubt any protection
system that I'd want to live with would suffice.

the hatter

[1] I say broken, but it seems that it didn't require much effort, due to
some cack-handed DIY by the previous owner.  Got that fixed plenty quick.

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