Brad Bollenbach wrote:
> On Thu, Sep 19, 2002 at 10:37:34AM +0100, Chris Carline wrote:
>>On Thu, Sep 19, 2002 at 10:15:19AM +0100, Brad Bollenbach wrote:
>>>So my question is, if you can get a decent enough website going to make
>>>thousands and thousands of people click on a "Send" button (Hotmail) or
>>>a "Google Search" button, how then do you have any hope of actually
>>>making money off that?
>>Charge users a monthly subscription fee for the privilige of clicking
>>that button. Or implement additional button services for subscribers. 
> Eeek...I wouldn't use this service for a fee, so I definitely don't see
> that many other people doing so. But if it were *free*, I'd use it at
> least 5 times per day.

License the button to other websites?  If it is really good/useful websites 
might consider paying you to have your button on their site to make it more 
attractive to regular surfers/attract new visitors.


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