On Wed, Oct 30, 2002 at 02:07:12PM +0000, David Cantrell wrote:

Since noone else has really argued this, I'm going to rise to it, as to
me, Cantrell obviously needs a good kick up the backside.

> Remember, all software sucks*.  But to say that "embedding application code
> in markup leads to a poor (or non-existant) seperation of concerned,
> typified by spaghetti code" is to talk bollocks.
> * - and absolutism in software sucks absolutely?

Erm. I'm afraid I don't agree, please explain how embedding application code
in page rendering information can *not* lead to a lack of separation between
the two. In my (possibly limited) experience, the lack of any rigorous
controls of this separation, leads to the two getting tweaked to be closer
and closer together until they merge. I'm afraid that I think your sentence
above is more like talking bollocks (in the general case) than the opposite.

>                                                   Yes, there are *some*
> languages which might be said to encourage spaghetti.  Assemblers do, as do
> many dialects of BASIC.

Right. We're agreed on *something* then.

>                          But I see nothing inherent in embedding code in
> markup that would encourage it**.
> ** - depending on the lnaguage, of course.  Embedded perl is fine, embedded
> Sparc assembler would suck.

OK, what do you see as the qualitative difference between these two. By your
own argument, the code and data are still separate, so you just start your
"code" tags, put some assembler in, and then close them. Why is this in any
way different to embedding say perl/python/VB? The point is that you're
mixing things which oughtn't be mixed, thereby asking for multiple people
with different skillsets to be dealing with (different bits of) the same
data. If you've got webmonkeys who won't be touching code, why is putting
sparc assembler in the "bits they won't touch" any different to putting
perl (assume for the sake of this that all the code maintainers speak sparc
assembler as fluently as we do perl). Basically you're asking for spaghetti
code, because the code is separated. (common functionality will have to be
included from *somewhere* after all).

I'm not quite sure what your definition of "spaghetti code" is. But I include
in mine: chasing all over for the file containing the relevant module/method/
function definition. I feel this is a simple product of embedding code in
templates. If this isn't, then the alternative is that there are multiple
copies of the code all over the place, (which probably all work in subtly
different ways). Any sensible software engineer will tell you that this is
a bad thing, and quite honestly, I think you of all people ought to know

>                                    Therefore, when you *do* come across such
> 'orribleness, and especially if it's in a language where spaghetti can be
> easily avoided then the programmer is most definitely to blame.

As I've argued above, I think your starting point, that "it's possible to
write non-spaghetti embedded templates" is actually flawed, due to what I
consider to be spaghetti code. In your examples, such things as "where does
this hash get initialised" are important, and are then "spaghetti" in terms
of following them.

My point of view on this is that the programmer is to blame for not trying
to properly separate out code and data in the first place. Embedding data
in code is always going to be evil and bad and wrong. You want non-coders
to be able to maintain the data. Any programmer who does mix the two 
unnecessarily is not worthy of the title. I dislike the term "hacker" in
most software I write, because I think that the engineering and the future
maintenance is extremely important. If you want to be a hacker, go for it,
but don't claim that your code is designed for anything other than solving
this problem now.

If you want maintainable code, it is good practice to separate out your
problem into multiple pieces. You simply cannot do that without proper
templating, and any programmer worthy of the name would be trying to
untangle said problem precisely so it doesn't turn into spaghetti.

> > >                              And I maintain that *any* templating
> > > language is code embedded in presentation.
> > We can chop carrots finely with a food processor. Or we can duck out of
> > the way and throw 15,000 knives across the room at high speed.
> I fail to see the point of this analogy.  If you disagree with me, say
> so, and tell us why you think I'm talking arse.

What Tim is saying, and FWIW, I think I agree with him on this, is "use the
right tool for the job". It's very easy to say "well, my way solves the
problem of chopping up the carrots", and it does, however, it's not in the
long term the best way of doing things. In the same way, using a templating
system which properly separates code and data will help you in the long run,
though it be more effort in the short, but you will get yourself into trouble
if you don't.

He is disagreeing with you, I'm disagreeing with you, and I thinl you're
talking arse. I've explained why above. I'm slightly surprised and shocked,
as I thought you had more experience as a real programmer than as a hacker
with limited clue about the problems he was going to leave for other people.

Of course, I'd say take this a step further. I'd rather not see different
languages mixing. I like to see clear interfaces. This includes, particularly
Perl / SQL interfaces, which seem to be blurred in many ways, leading to many
queries in many places that all do almost the same thing, but with their own
subtleties. These are the bases for the balls of mud that our the spaghetti
projects we all end up dealing with (among other things).

You are right to suggest that if the programmer is good, he won't write
spaghetti code in that language. You are wrong to suggest that this will be
by embedding code in data or data in code. A good programmer will write with
clear interfaces. Period.

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