On Wed, Oct 30, 2002 at 07:49:03PM -0800, Randal L. Schwartz wrote:
> >>>>> "Paul" == Paul Makepeace <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> Paul> I am also amused and puzzled at the people writing huge tracts on why
> Paul> PHP is crap while not at the same time acknowledging there are vastly
> Paul> more websites written in PHP doing useful things for lots of people than
> Paul> there are in perl -- witness the scrabbling to find even remotely
> Paul> interesting success story cases for Perl (what recent ones have there
> Paul> been?).
> A lot of the ones at
> <http://perl.apache.org/outstanding/success_stories/> seem recent.
> And I suppose you haven't heard of match.com or citysearch.com or
> ticketmaster.com before?  Oh wait, you're a brit. :)

That's good to see -- match.com is certainly a massive site. Still, it
seems a tiny number to me considering what's out there.

> Paul>  I suspect more revenue is generated from PHP sites than Perl
> Paul> sites.
> I don't.  I suspect PHP runs more hobby sites.  I suspect Perl does
> more of the e-commerce heavy lifting and pretty-lifting.

I dunno, in light of reports like the one on LWN I'm struggling to see

"PHP Overtakes Microsoft's ASP as Web's #1 Server-side Scripting
Language": http://lwn.net/Articles/1433/

"According to a Netcraft survey published in April 2002, PHP is now
being used by over 24% of the sites on the Internet. Of the 37.6 million
web sites reported worldwide
(http://www.netcraft.com/Survey/index-200204.html), PHP is running on
over 9 million sites and continues to grow at an explosive rate. Over
the past two years PHP has averaged a 6.5% monthly growth rate."

That's an enormous number of hobby sites :-)

Oh well, who knows - my basic point is that for all the interesting
discussion about how bad PHP is there's an awful lot of productive work
going on with it, that same work that probably wouldn't've happened with
perl. (I know at least half a dozen PHPers who were too scared by perl.)


Paul Makepeace ....................................... http://paulm.com/

"If I could write Java Code, then some masks would be smarter than
   -- http://paulm.com/toys/surrealism/

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