On Thu, Nov 28, 2002 at 03:27:21PM +0000, Jonathan Peterson wrote:
> I'm playing with vim. Either it's standard perl syntax file doesn't 
> support folding, or I can't get folding to work for some reason (setting 
> fold method to syntax..).
> Vague comments about remedying either situation appreciated.

I had problems with foldmethod=syntax too, as far as I remember.

Here's what worked for me:

    set foldmethod=indent
    :hi Folded term=NONE ctermfg=LightYellow ctermbg=NONE

I had it in for a while, but did take it out lately since I started to
get on my nerves to always need to open the folds before I could see my

            Well, then let's give that Java-Wussie a beating... (me)

Michael Lamertz                        |     +49 2234 204947 / +49 171 6900 310
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50226 Frechen                          |                 http://www.lamertz.net
Germany                                |               http://www.perl-ronin.de 

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