On Fri, Jan 17, 2003 at 11:20:42PM +0000, Dirk Koopman wrote:
> Is it too late to ask why you want to mess about with nasty .htaccess
> files at all? Can you not simply alter your httpd.conf file (or better,
> some included file)?

If you're running a hosting "operation" it's nice to be able to allow
folks to set up password protected areas on their sites. Thus you
probably don't want a web form being able to edit httpd.conf.

> The trouble with .htaccess files, apart from slowing things down, is
> that they have a nasty habit of getting forgotten about or 'lost'. When
> you come back 6 months later and fiddle about, it can be a while before
> trying 'ls -a'...

True. Been there myself :)

I turn off .htaccess by default and thus having the AllowOverride
directive in the <virtualhost> .conf helps remind.


Paul Makepeace ....................................... http://paulm.com/

"If I could turn clouds to sun, then carefully watches."
   -- http://paulm.com/toys/surrealism/

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