>   I disagree. Regexps are quite well documented. There is even a manpage
> exclusively dedicated to it. =-]

Though actually most of the docs used to be split between perlop and
perlre, neither of which are friendly pieces of text. I believe this
situation has ameliorated a little, but, certainly the docs were
traditionally kinda sucky.

>   I think that Regexps are hard to learn because the most part of the folks
> that aren't too much scared to learn it just lack the essential and
> unavoidable compiler theory where regexp lays its foundations. IMHO, its
> simply impossible learn good quality regexp use unless you have good regular
> grammars theory before.

No, that's WRONG. Again, I can only give myself as an example, but, I
had no compiler theory or regular grammars theory. Regular expressions
MAKE SENSE - in (again) my humble experience, it tends to be people who
started with C or somesuch language who have the most difficulty with
them. Go figure.


Much may be made of a Scotchman, if he be caught young.
 -- Samuel Johnson

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