On Thu, Mar 13, 2003 at 03:43:50PM +0000, Shevek wrote:
> On Thu, 13 Mar 2003, Aaron Trevena wrote:
> > ha! I have java in a nutshell and you certainly couldn't pick up java from
> > it, if you want to learn java buy 'learning java', if you want to learn
> > perl buy 'learning perl'.
> I learned Java from nutshell and I have no computing qualifications 
> whatsoever...

Me likewise.  However, I learnt Java from the first edition of the book.
When Java was updated and I bought the new edition, I found that the
tutorial section had been almost entirely removed to make room for the
much expanded class library reference.  I believe that Learning Java was
created from that removed tutorial.

> I don't remember how I learned Perl.

I picked up perl - grudgingly - when awk and sed ran out of steam.  So I
already had a grounding in those bits of perl, and also in C.  That was
shortly after I'd posted to comp.lang.perl.misc saying that perl was
pointless cos I had awk and sed.  Mr. Christiansen took great exception
to that post, and it was my first flame-war.  I'm quite proud of it.

I would point out that there *are* more painful things than doing C and
perl in DOS.  Such as awk and sed :-)

David Cantrell    |    Degenerate    |    http://www.cantrell.org.uk/david

  World War 2: the best sequel ever

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