On Sun, Mar 16, 2003 at 11:29:15PM +0000, Dirk Koopman wrote:
> On Sun, 2003-03-16 at 18:53, Chris Benson wrote:
> > 
> > I think of it as 'copying the inode-table' ... and since their f/s
> > doesn't rewrite blocks only writes fresh ones, by looking at the 0800
> > copy of the inode-table, you get the files at 0800. This leads to two
> > problems that I see: some real hot-spots on the disks that they fix by
> > having battery backed RAM-cache and just the management of such a f/s --
> > makes my head hurt thinking about it.
> Erm.. none of this is actually that new and the problems are (or at were
> in about 1967) quite well understood. Neither is it particularly hard. A
> combination of copy on write with some (:-) administration to make it
> all hang together, together with some careful write ordering will do the
> job very nicely. 

Nope, but *I've* not seen it done: I'm very comfortable with 'trad'
Unix filesystem semantics - the 'never rewrite a block' which suggests
that the block-list of a file gets updated with every write is a bit
worrying because it's unfamiliar (I'm getting staid in my advancing
years :-)  ... and as you say "some careful write ordering". 

Actually I think my head was hurting because of some bug. A couple of
paracetamol and I'm much better now.
Chris Benson - trying to remember the hierarchical database that did
something like this on CP/M back in the '80s -- you could append 'AT
yy/mm/dd hh:ss' to a query to get it at that point in time ... unless
the logs had been flushed.

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