Ali Young [EMAIL PROTECTED] quoth:
*>For some reason, I hadn't really put much thought into the fact that  
*>"monks" implied a male-only group in that context. Cue rerun of Life of 
*>I can't imagine wanting to join a "for the girls" Perl group, since I've 
*>not met anyone in any Perlmongers group that has made any negative, 
*>patronising or surprised comments about the fact that I'm a girl who does 
*>Perl. In my experience, it's only non-techies that get shocked by it.

It was a joke...a Catholic joke :) Given all the other religious and
cult-like features of perl, it was simply poking fun. No, the sisters of
the Sacred Perl never said a single novena nor sang gregorian chant for
the betterment of perl, but we did try to have a little fun :)

*>Besides, "mongeress" just sounds silly.

Well, so does monger for that matter. :) Hey, guy, wanna fish?!


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