On Tue, Sep 02, 2003 at 07:00:20AM +0000, Dominic Mitchell wrote:
> Mike Jarvis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Which is one of my big fears with Firebird becoming "Browser" (that
> > is, the only mozilla browser).  the guys running it are still wedded
> > to the idea of pushing everything into extensions.  Last I saw they
> > still weren't going to add a menu item to switch style sheets on the
> > reasoning that you can download an extention to do it.   I think even
> > fewer people will want to use Moz if it's nothing but gecko with
> > plugins.
> The nightlies of FireBird have a stylesheet switcher icon in the bottom
> left.   No extensions needed.  I presume that this will find its way
> into the next version.

It does have the icon, but it doesn't have the menu items (which sucks
if you hide the status bar, and the menu items take up no more space
if you have menus on).  

There's also no way to use a user defined stylesheet on the fly, since
the icon only appears if alternate stylesheets are available.  I hate
it when UI elements come and go as they please and don't just stay
still.  I also think it's pretty unfreindly to make people dig around
to find the right file to modify to use their own style sheets.

I think the real problem is tunnel vision.  The developers assume that
if they don't use a feature, nobody else does either.  The whole idea
of moving everything off into extensions was fine when Firebird was
just an alternative to Mozilla, but as the base browser I'm afraid it
needs to bloat up some.


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