Hi Tony,

> Yes, I'm advocate for putting things elsewhere, but that proposal has
> met with crickets.  You don't get it both ways: no capabilities in the
> protocol and nowhere else does not work.

I'm not sure I know what you are talking about.
Did you write a draft?

> Because the thought of trying to deploy this capability at scale without
> this attribute seems impossible. Consider the case of Tier 1 providers
> who have large IS-IS deployments. Are you really going to evaluate 2000+
> nodes without some kind of help?

With the help of the management-plane?
How did those providers make changes to their configs/features/architecture 
I would expect them to use the same tools.

> And the routers will do computations based on the multi-part TLVs.
> One level of indirection for a capability does not seem extreme.

Not extreme, indeed.
But again, I rather not see 20 different minor or irrelevant things
in the router-capability TLV. Certainly not at 2 octets per item.
1 Bit would already be (16 times) better.

> > Regardless whether we do that or not, this discussion maybe should be done
> > outside the multipart TLV  discussion. Maybe another draft should be written
> > about these software-capabilities in general?
> Please feel free.  My proposal was shot down.

Are you talking about a very recent proposal? Linked to the multipart-TLV
draft? Or something older? I vaguely remember some idea about
"generic transport" in IS-IS (or rather: outside the regular IS-IS instance).


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