Sure enough,  the ne2k_pci module does NOT require an IO argument.  It 
makes sense, it's
a PCI card, therefore PnP should take care of the IO address.

I'll fix the initrd and put it up on the download site tomorrow.  If 
anyone needs it before
then, let me know, and I'll email it to you.


Jim McQuillan


>> ERROR! No IO specified.
>>        The NIC requires an IO=0xNNN entry on the kernel commandline.
>>        This is setup in the /etc/dhcpd.conf file using option-129
>> Kernel panic: Attempted to kill init!
>>The server machine is RedHat 7.1 with dhcp-2.0pl5-4. I tried it with
>>and without this two lines in /etc/dhcpd.conf:
>>       option option-128     e4:45:74:68:00:00;
>>       option option-129     "NIC=ne2k_pci IO=0x300";
>>(By the way. Is my guess correct that ^^^^^this "NIC-name" corresponds
>>to the kernel config option for the network card?)
>If this card is really a ne2k-pci, or just a PCI card, it should not
>require an IO address in the first place. The kernel finds the IO
>address of PCI cards automatically. If LTSP requires it for a PCI card,
>then it's a deficiency in LTSP.
>Are you sure the DE528CT is a PCI NE2000 clone? What kernel driver would
>you use for it normally?
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