> >  ERROR! No IO specified.
 > >         The NIC requires an IO=0xNNN entry on the kernel commandline.
 > >         This is setup in the /etc/dhcpd.conf file using option-129
 > >
 > >  Kernel panic: Attempted to kill init!
 > >
 > >The server machine is RedHat 7.1 with dhcp-2.0pl5-4. I tried it with
 > >and without this two lines in /etc/dhcpd.conf:
 > >        option option-128     e4:45:74:68:00:00;
 > >        option option-129     "NIC=ne2k_pci IO=0x300";
 > >(By the way. Is my guess correct that ^^^^^this "NIC-name" corresponds
 > >to the kernel config option for the network card?)
 > If this card is really a ne2k-pci, or just a PCI card, it should not
 > require an IO address in the first place. The kernel finds the IO
 > address of PCI cards automatically. If LTSP requires it for a PCI card,
 > then it's a deficiency in LTSP.
 > Are you sure the DE528CT is a PCI NE2000 clone? What kernel driver would
 > you use for it normally?
Yes I'm sure. I use the ne2k-pci kernel driver.

Meanwhile I tried this workaround for my problem:
I commented out the test for the IO param in linuxrc of the

case ${NIC} in
    3c503 | hp_plus | hp | ne | ne2k-pci )
#        if [ -z "${IO}" ]; then
#            echo
#            echo "ERROR!  No IO specified."
#            echo "        The NIC requires an IO=0xNNN entry on the kernel command 
#            echo "        This is setup in the /etc/dhcpd.conf file using option-129"
#            echo
#            exit 1
#        fi
#        IOADDR="io=${IO}"

Then I made a new kernel with the buildk script and it worked fine.

But now I have a new problem:
When I log out from a X session or when clicking "Close Connection" on
the kdm login screen (kde-2.1.1) the X server doesn't restart. The
screen remains dark and I have to press the reset button.


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