>Jason Pattie figured out how to have the older etherboot
>grab a newer etherboot from the tftp server, which in turn
>would grab the kernel and pass the options properly.
>it involved trickery in the dhcpd.conf file, which btw, required
>dhcpd version 3.0.
>I'll see if I can get Jason to document what he has done.
You can try.  :)


Technically speaking, you could have Etherboot load Etherboot load 
Etherboot load Etherboot etc. etc. (depending on how many different 
criteria you can come up with to differentiate different versions of 
Etherboot to load), but we will only detail having an older version of 
Etherboot load a newer version of Etherboot.  The differentiating factor 
in this scenario is the fact that older versions of Etherboot did not 
send the Vendor Class Identifier to the DHCP server when requesting an 
IP address and configuration information.  Consequently, we cannot use 
this differentiation for future versions of Etherboot since they will be 
sending VCI information.  We would have to depend on a versioning scheme 
or something else to make a difference that we can use to send the 
newest version of Etherboot to the booting client.  This time, we will 
use the fact that older Etherboot versions do not send VCI information 
to configure the dhcpd.conf file to be aware of the request from the 
non-VCI aware version of Etherboot and send a response that contains a 
new version of Etherboot that does send VCI information.  The old 
version of Etherboot will execute the new version of Etherboot, which 
when requesting IP information from the DHCP server will send VCI 
information.  The actual Vendor Class Identifier information that is 
sent to the DHCP server from Etherboot is (what do you know!) the string 
"Etherboot".  You can contrast this with a PXE client that sends the 
string "PXEClient" for its Vendor Class Identifier.  The "Etherboot" 
string will be used to match incoming requests from general or specific 
clients as your needs may be.

In the scenario that I had to do this, since there were only two 
different kinds of network cards with one kind being broken at the 
BOOTROM level (i.e., an older version of Etherboot was acting up causing 
kernel panics by generating spurious interrupts) and the client not 
monetarily able to fix the problem by replacing/reprogramming the 
BOOTROM's, I was able to get away with having all incoming DHCP requests 
funneled through a single if {...} else {...} block that checked for the 
VCI string equal to "Etherboot" or not and served the appropriate image, 
either a new version of Etherboot for those requests that don't send VCI 
information or the Etherboot tagged kernel image.

Now of course, you would like a dhcpd.conf configuration sample.  Well, 
here is the generic case where all incoming requests are checked:

ddns-update-style none;
subnet netmask
  range dynamic-bootp;
  option domain-name-servers;
  option routers;
  if substring (option vendor-class-identifier, 0, 9) = "Etherboot" {
    filename "/tftpboot/lts/vmlinuz.generic";
  else {
    filename "/tftpboot/lts/rtl8139.rom.nbi";
    use-host-decl-names on;


Notice in this example that a very specific file is downloaded in the 
case where the DHCP request does not have the VCI information set to 
"Etherboot".  That file is an NBI tagged ROM image, and that image is 
only for an RTL8139 chipset based network card.  Obviously, this 
configuration is not very useful if you have more than just Realtek 
cards in your network of thin-clients and/or any other machines that 
retrieve their IP settings via DHCP.  Of course the other DHCP clients 
on your network that are not using DHCP settings with which to boot will 
not be affected, since they should just throw away the 'filename' value 
and are not running that file anyway.

The next question you are doubtless to ask is how to create an NBI 
tagged ROM image for your network card(s).  All you need is the mknbi 
utility -- that is downloadable in source or RPM and other formats from 
etherboot.sourceforge.net -- and the Etherboot ROM image for your 
network card.  Install the mknbi utility, and a symbolic link to 
mknbi-rom will be created (among other symbolic links to mknbi that do 
other tagging functions).  Download the Etherboot ROM image from 
www.rom-o-matic.net for your network card (or alternatively download and 
install the latest version of the Etherboot project and build your 
network card ROM from it).  Use mknbi-rom to generate an NBI tagged 
version of the Etherboot ROM for your network card:

mknbi-rom --output=/tftpboot/lts/rtl8139.rom.nbi rtl8139.rom

That's all there is to generating the NBI tagged ROM.  This will wrap a 
new version of Etherboot with the tagging information necessary to allow 
another version of Etherboot to download it and see it as a properly 
tagged format and execute it.

You can obviously put the generic check into specific host entries in 
order to hand out different NBI tagged Etherboot ROM images for all the 
different network cards you might have.  Something similar to the 
following would be necessary in dhcpd.conf:

  host ws001 {
      hardware ethernet     00:02:B3:25:45:56;
      if substring (option vendor-class-identifier, 0, 9) = "Etherboot" {
          filename "/lts/vmlinuz.generic";
      } else {
          filename "/lts/ne2000.rom.nbi";

  host ws002 {
      hardware ethernet     00:02:B3:25:56:78;
      if substring (option vendor-class-identifier, 0, 9) = "Etherboot" {
          filename "/lts/vmlinuz.generic";
      } else {
          filename "/lts/sis900.rom.nbi";


I used mknbi-1.2.  I'm not sure if the same technique can be applied 
with older versions of mknbi, but I would think so.  You will also 
definitely need ISC DHCP 3.0 or better or a DHCP server that can 
recognize the 'vendor-class-identifier' option.

Hope this has been helpful.

Jim, chop this up as you see fit.  :)

Jason A. Pattie

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