On Wed, Apr 10, 2002 at 10:01:26PM +0200, Tarjei wrote:
> >
> >
> >In order to use X 4.2 on S3 cards, I tried to install binaries from
> >xfree86.org directly into the /opt/ltsp/i386/usr/X11R6, and it worked.
> >There was a problem with the keymaps though, and I didn't have the
> >time to solve that.
> >
> >Why would you have to build X from sources?
> >
> Good q. Hmm. I'll try this asap :)
> What keymaps?

I gave it another shot, and solved it.

HOWTO get X 4.2 working with LTSP clients (probably most interesting
if you have workstations with S3 chips. S3 was not supported under X

1. Grab the folling files from the /pub/XFree86/4.2.0/binaries/Linux-ix86-glibc22/
   directory at ftp.xfree86.org: (or better, at your favourite mirror)

- Xxserv.tgz
- Xmod.tgz
- Xvar.tgz
- Xetc.tgz
- Xlib.tgz

For the commands below to work as printed, download these files to

2. Backup the working X11R6 dir

cd /opt/ltsp/i386/usr/
mv X11R6 X11R6.old
mkdir X11R6
cd X11R6

3. untar Xlib, Xmod, Xxserv, Xvar

tar -zxvf /tmp/Xlib.tgz
tar -zxvf /tmp/Xmod.tgz 
tar -zxvf /tmp/Xxserv.tgz 
tar -zxvf /tmp/Xvar.tgz 

Now if I try to start a ws with a S3 chip, I get the following error message:

Symbol xf86InterpretEDID from /usr/X11R6/lib/x11/lib/modules/libvbe.a is unresolved!
error opening security policy file /usr/X11R6/lib/x11/xserver/SecurityPolicy
Couldn't load XKB keymap, falling back to pre-XKB keymap

4. Resolve some /etc issues

cd /opt/ltsp/i386/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/
tar -zxvf /tmp/Xetc.tgz xserver/ # avoids the error message about
                                 # opening of the SecurityPolicy above

tar -zxvf /tmp/Xetc.tgz xkb/ 

This gives X the keymaps directory. Normally, /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/xkb
is a link to /etc/X11/xkb but there is no /etc/X11 in ltsp. That was
the root of my previous problems with keymaps.

5. Edit /opt/ltsp/i386/etc/lts.conf

Replace "XF86_S3" with "s3" as in 
    XSERVER           = s3
for the workstations that has S3 chips.

6. Fire up a workstation and test.

Symbol xf86InterpretEDID from /usr/X11R6/lib/x11/lib/modules/libvbe.a is unresolved!

This error remains, but X seems to work alright to me.

7. Don't forget XF86_SVGA

If you use XF86_SVGA for some workstations, copy that file from
/opt/ltsp/i386/usr/X11R6.old/bin/ to the new X11R6/bin/.

8. Clean up

When you are sure that things work as they should (I have only tested
that the workstations can log in KDE), you can remove the old X11R6

rm -rf /opt/ltsp/i386/usr/X11R6.old


Hans Ekbrand

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