Delz wrote:

> For further info, see the 'Fonts' section
> of the installation notice.
> start process: connect: No such file or directory
> X-Server problem - unable to access fonts

the X-Server of your LTSP-station is unable to access the fonts.

> The font path being used is:
>     '/home/test/applix/axfonts/all_pcf'

the font path should be available to the X-Server of your LTSP station.
It has to be exported via nfs and mounted accordingly.
> Has anyone tried running applixware on LTSP? Please help.

runs fine here... with xfs (X Font Server) on the server with the
applixware fonts included.

Martin Fink                Telefon (0711) 42 83 56
Diplom-Informatiker (FH)   Telefax (0711) 42 83 59
Stuttgart, Germany         E-Mail  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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