  PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE enough with the RedHat thread. I think you have
all established that there is disagreement. Your discussion will be more
appropriate and more useful on a RedHat list.

  If you feel that you will just burst if you don't respond to what
Anselm or Bob has said, reply to *them* and leave the several thousand
of us who are here for LTSP out of it.


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Anselm Martin Hoffmeister wrote:
> bob wrote:
> > It has been a redhat centric project, and even a year and a half ago
> > when I asked in this forum, I was told that the best bet was to go
> > with redhat as it was most compatible with this project, that debian
> > was not that well supported.  I am very tired of hearing from my
> > vendors support that they will only support redhat 7.3, that is of
> > course not the only version of Linux out there, yet none of them will
> > not talk to you if you use another, period, end of call.  I've never
> > had a question or a grip about LTSP, it's worked flawlessly for me on
> > numerous installs, both commercial and for non-profits that I've
> > installed it on.
> I've never had the impression it is redhat-centric. Maybe the main
> developers used redhat for developing LTSP on, but from the first hour I
> used LTSP, there were alternatives;
> in fact, my first install was from the .tar.gz files and it worked nice.
> The list of other distros that work is long, and especially with LTSP4,
> I think it becomes even more distribution
> independant ( as config files are detected automagically and so on ). I
> have been using SuSE 8.0, 8.1, 8.2 and Debian 3.0 with LTSP and never
> got the feeling of beeing handled like
> a stepchild.
> Would you assume your new Sony car radio only works in a Ford car just
> because it is shown inside one in all tv commercials?
> Once more, if you even get live support for installing it in any car you
> want, be told which screws and cables to buy best for it, and which
> frequency each single station is on
> on #sonycarradio irc channel?
> > I've really no reason to complain since I don't in fact contribute to
> > this project except for spreading the word, until now.
> That's no matter, publicity is always good (which famous person said
> that? Some US president? :-)
> > I've questioned redhat before in this forum only to be told by JAM
> > himself that "Buddy, you need to chill out".  But I think my questions
> > are valid.
> Try and use another distrib. See it works. Make some patches to replace
> "RedHat" with "$FOOBAR" anywhere found. Done.
> > Redhat has drawn a line in the sand, not us open source advocates.
> > Why should any open source project, LTSP, K-12 Linux, or any others,
> > continue to do work for the open source community only to have it put
> > into an expensive, non-open source, commercial product while leaving
> > the Debian, Slackware, Gentoo, and FreeBSD distro's as second rate
> > citizens?
> As I said before, this is not true. And afaik, as LTSP code and basic
> packages are GNU licensed, they can only be distributed under some
> similar context.
> But I'm no expert on that terrain.
> Would you stop buying Audio CDs only because JVC claims "We invented it,
> our devices play them best"?
> > I would think any open source advocate would get in line behind these
> > disto's. And why, when someone in the forum questions redhat, are they
> > made to feel as if they have done something wrong?  Has redhat become
> > some sacred cow no one dare offend?
> I think RedHat is in US what SuSE is in Germany: The definitive beginner
> distribution. I'm used to telling people that have no clue of linux but
> want to give it a try "Use SuSE", just
> because it can be bought in every corner PC shop, and it's (nearly?)
> completely localized, and it works. Easily.
> So of course I don't use it myself to much, but prefer Debian, but I
> wouldn't say publicly "LTSP on SUSE" is crap - to not disfavour LTSP. On
> all criticism,
> I try to remember what makes my like that distro. In my opinion it's
> dangerous to flamewar some program|distro lots of users use. And that's
> perhaps one of
> the reasons for several people's dislike for starting flamewars against
> Redhat.
> I cannot remember having seen a user that was treated rudely because he
> questioned RedHat on irc, but I'm far from always_online. As you can see
> in this discussion thread,
> there has been much criticism against RedHat, and the point Ken and Jim
> made was not to preserve RedHat's reputation but get this discussion
> stopped as it binds ressources
> (on them, too) that could be used more reasonable (e.g. developing ltsp4
> or so).
> > I'm sure I'll be told to "chill out" but I think these points do need
> > to be addressed, publicly, in the open, in the interests of the
> > projects users.  I trusted this forum for guidence only to be burned
> > by redhat, what distro would be best?
> As I stated above, I use Debian myself. You will have to go with
> backports, or the "unstable" or "testing" tree to get the most recent
> software, or (I prefer that way anyhow) compile
> e.g. kde3.1 yourself. Debian stable comes with rock solid, but older
> versions - which should not keep you from installing newer stuff.
> If you like the eyecandy suse offers, you could go with them. My
> personal experience however was they don't care as much for stability as
> Debian maintainers do (and who knows
> what SuSE does next?) - I have no great experience with other distros
> though.
> Distro wars are counterproductive mostly, so please noone flame against
> my choice - it's just a rating of what I know working.
> Bob: If you want a realtime discussion, you'll be welcome probably on
> irc to just make your own channel and invite people there.
> Regards,
> Anselm
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