I can not help myself - I have to add my comments as well:

>> We're not using NFS by default anymore.  Instead, we're compressing
>> the LTSP chroot with squashfs, and serving it out via NBD.  This 
>> was done to both address people who didn't want to have to run
>> NFS servers by default, as well, reducing network usage, by
>> transferring compressed data over the network.
Fine that you no longer use NFS by default - but you still give users an
option to use it - so it should work! But it does not.
I use it because it gives me a great possibility to change the boot
image on the fly and add features faster (I just make one terminal rw
enabled and can directly install new packages, invent new screen startup
scripts... everything on the fly. It was not possible w/ LTSP < 5.0 and
is not possible with squashed root.
I understand for most end users who do not need to amend the default
ltsp installation in any way it is just perfect (for sake of the network
traffic, boot process speed...) but PLEASE leave the NFS option here
(working - the bug is there already submitted).

>>> OK this is not something I can give my customers. I'm not looking at
>>> now, but a years time.
>> So, you tried something once, run into a problem, and instead of
>> asking for some help, you simply announce it's not something you
>> can give to people?
> I have to have a system that is distributed to 100's of semi guru
> installers around the world. This is a POS system with 1000s of
> customers world wide. Years in the making, years in operation.
> It can't need *fiddling*, it must be bullet proof.
Exactly - We are still using LTSP 4.2 here because it is rock stable but
I like LTSP 5.0 because of its features (well known and modern distro
based, modular X org,... ) but there are bits and pieces that shows that
it is still not that stable yet:
- the nfs problem I mentioned above
- shell terminal says "no job control on this terminal" (????) and
"more" or "less" commands no longer work in shell console in Gutsy (was
working in fiesty)
- VESA framebuffer modes for higher text resolution no longer work in
Gutsy (well I know I can not blame ltsp developers for this but anyway...)
- if more X servers are running (screen_03, _04...) simultaneously, they
sometimes interfere between each other in a funny way (again not
probably ltsp developers fault, but...).
- nfs mount command does not work correctly from within a thin client...

Some of the flaws are simply distro-inherited but in fact - I do not
care. What I need is a working solution I can trust and so my customers.
I would even buy a bunch of RHEL (or other) licenses if ltsp package was
included in it.

I think you guys are doing a great job, but still - I see LTSP is
instantly evolving and I am simply missing a package which is maybe a
bit older but a rock stable on the other hand.


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